Thursday, November 11, 2010

Winter is here...

It started raining in Como and so we know that winter has started in the mountains. As rain means snow.
My Love is always sad and exited at the same time when this happens. As he can no longer( only during one rainy month, usually november) go out on his bike as much as he would like, but at the same time he starts making skiing moves as if he's already on the fresh white snow high up on the mountain.
Our friends rent a very traditional chalet in Bormio each winter and we get to stay there whenever it's free.
We usually drive there on a friday night after work and we eat something on the way at this great ecologic farm called 'La Fiorida'. The closer we get to Bormio the more unlikely it seems we are ever going to reach it. The roads get darker and the snow thicker.  The impressive black mountains are almost a bit scary if you look at them for too long. But when it's clear, the gentle face of the bright moon makes it all right again.

The best thing about being in the mountains is when you wake up and open the window. It's about zero degrees outside, you can smell the crisp clean air as you watch the slopes waiting there for you to come and ski on them.

The other good thing is the mountain food. Maybe you can imagine what it could be like as all you need after a morning of skiing( or learning how to, even though you were so good at it when you were three years old..) is carbs! The three most common and eaten dishes are Pizzoccheri, Polenta and Gnocchetti agli spinaci. All made from different types of grains and wheats.
I had the courage to make Pizzoccheri for our Italian friend one day, while we were staying at his house..he loved it! The guys, who did the heavy skiing, both had two servings. It is made with a special kind of whole wheat flour called 'farina di grana saraceno', cabbage, potatoes, three types of cheese and a lot of butter with sage to give it it's tipical flavour.

It probably won't take long before the first weekend in Bormio is planned and I can start picking up those skiing lessons again and cook heavy, greasy things which taste darn good when it's freezing outside!

Bormio 3000 mt

On the road

Me in my fancy ski outfit!

Malfatti (badly made)

Polenta con Gorgonzola


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