Friday, November 5, 2010

Making bread!

Almost every day now I bake my own bread. I love the feeling of soft dough in my hands and the way it rises in the bowl. I bake brown bread, white bread, corn bread and pane di segale, a very dark brown soft bread which my Love likes to eat for breakfast with a thick layer of Nutella on it.
Since I have my new oven I can't stop baking and trying out new stuff every time. Today I will bake brioche, the sweet soft French bread which is so great for breakfast with some butter and marmalade.

For my basic bread recipe I use:

500 grams of flour
25 grams of fresh yeast
10 grams of salt
350 ml warm water
10 grams of sugar

I mix the flour with the salt in a big bowl. Then mix the water, yeast and sugar in a separate bowl and give it a good stir to resolve the yeast in the water. Then mix the water in the flour at once and kneed to a soft smooth ball.
put a damp cloth over the bowl and let the dough rise for about an hour or two on a warm place.

Then grease your baking tin or oven-plate and dust it with flour. Kneed the air out of the dough and place it in the baking tin. Cover with the damp cloth or plastic foil and let it rest again for an hour.

Preheat the oven on 200 degrees Celcius. remove the cloth or plastic foil and bake the bread for 20 minutes on 200 degrees and another 30 minutes on 180 degrees. Take it out of the oven and out of the baking tin. Eat as fresh as you can!

Yesterday I felt like baking a quick pizza with broccoli, mozzarella and gorgonzola. I used Jamie Oliver's pizza dough recipe. I rolled the dough out really thin but it was still a bit bread-like, very tasty but I still prefer the more crunchy version, I think it needs less yeast. I will work on that!

cinnamon and date bread

white bread


whole wheat bread

pizza della casa

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