Saturday, June 1, 2013

Weed Lover

Last Sunday was a beautiful sunny day, we planned a long bike ride near the lake if Varese where our Dutch friends live. We were well on our way and just coming down a beautiful curvy descent. In the middle of the narrow road there as a big, fat, black car. 4 riders past the car without problems, I was planning to do the same...a door opened right in front of me and all I could do was BREAK! And up my back wheel went, down my face, flying over my bike who parked herself nicely into the bushes. I on the other hand landed on the asphalt head and shoulder first.
The first thing I did, surprising myself, was shout as loud as I could at the driver, then I realized what had happened and I tried to localize my bike and my boyfriend who was already on the phone with 911, trying to explain where we were, which turned out to be rather difficult.
The ambulance came, took me to the nearest hospital going back up all the windy little roads we just did in the descent, which made one of the volunteers feel sick. I didn't feel anything but my shoulder, which was bad enough. In the meantime my friends talked to the police, another friend picked up our bikes and yet another friend came to meet us at the hospital with clothes and food. I was lucky to have so many helpful people around me, if not, what do you do with your bike and how do get home from the hospital...
I think I met 100 new people in that hospital, taking me to different rooms every other second.
The doctor confirmed nothing was broken and I could go home, rest for two weeks keeping my arm in a sling-up and my shoulder iced. So that's exactly what I've doing for the last week. Nowhere to go, nothing to see...except for weed. In the garden and on my little stroll around the block I saw some very beautiful species that I just wanted to share with you.
It was the first time I fell and after all I'm happy it didn't turn out as bad as it could have been. 
I hope it will make me an even safer rider, being aware of these dangers. I can't wait to get back on my King 3 though...!

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