Sunday, October 27, 2013

A fine Fall

Fall is here again, I can't believe how fast seasons change, they're back before you know it!
Weather wise I'm not the biggest fa of fall but when it comes to nature's beauty it's maybe the best out of the four of them. It's in serious competition with spring I'd say.

As I have a new phone that takes great pictures I snap around as much as I can. On a lunch break stroll around the office, or on a rainy day in the weekend, like today, when we went to visit a small village at Lake Como called Torno.
Here I saw the most beautiful leaves and berries that made a stunning still life against a stone, mossy wall. I hope I'm not the only person walking there enjoying this extraordinary beauty, as it makes me feel so happy to be able to be surrounded by all this.


Bamboo at work

Hungry snails

Weddingdress inspiration

Fluffy mushroom

Monte Generoso

Happy leaves

I love nature!

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