I wanted a big variety of vegetables and herbs and many of our beloved strawberries.
Organized as I am...I started out with looking at websites of how to plan your own little vegetable garden. mijnmoestuin.nl (my vegetable garden) was a little help to when you should start planting you veg and when to take them out.
We went to the DIY shop to buy enough pots and earth to set up on our little strip along the house.
Then I bought all the seeds I fancied and started the germination in small pots in the window shelf.
This doesn't always work as it's a delicate thing to get the temperature, light and watering right.
But it's such an amazing thing to see a seed growing into a green leafy thing that will later on give you tasty food to put in your all home made salad or cake!
I added a video below about the growth of a bean, I find it fascinating!
The pictures you see below are very recent and you can see that the garden is just beginning to bloom and the veg are at their early stage of facing the real outside weather. It's been kind of rough for them lately as we had a lot of rain and cold. Many of my first seedlings did not survive because of this. The second batch seems to be a lot stronger.
This is my list of things I hope to be eating from my own garden this summer:
- Lots of strawberries, I think I have about 15 plants.
- Beetroots
- Olives, I need to find a good recipe to pickle them.
- Sweet chillies, love them!
- Hot peperoncino, last year we had a very successful plant but it died because of the cold.
- Beans, so nice to see them grow.
- Sage, Basil, Origano, Thyme and Mint.
- Lemons, last year they turned black so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
- Tomatoes, big and small.
- Courgette
- Potatoes from the ground, I planted two types.
- Two types of salad.
It will be a humble crop as I don't have that much space. But it's even more the growing process I enjoy. Every day when I get home from work, I check my plants and there is always a surprise waiting for me to be discovered.
The 'garden' |
Sage flowers |
strawberries |
first rose in bloom |
Lemon flower, smells amazing! |
Lemon tree buds |
Potatoes in the ground |
strawberries, beetroot and herbs |
Young tomatoes |
Our olive trees are growing like crazy |
Dinner outside, I now made a terrace on the right side with stones |
Sunset magazine from Macon, USA Below a time-lapse about a the growth of a bean |